This is part 4 of a series of tutorial for the googleMaps plugin.
Map Type
You can use the various map type as defined in Common Map Types.
displays the default road map viewSATELLITE
displays Google Earth satellite imagesHYBRID
displays a mixture of normal and satellite viewsTERRAIN
displays a physical map based on terrain information
If you do not specify any map type, the default map type used is ROADMAP
{googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430"} Note: default = ROADMAP |
{googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430" maptype=SATELLITE} |
{googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430" maptype=TERRAIN} |
{googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430" maptype=HYBRID} |
Tutorials for the googleMaps plugin
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 02: Zoom Level
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 03: Language
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 04: Map Type
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 05: KML Files
Tutorials for the googleDirections plugin
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 02: Specifying Stopover Points
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 03: Travel Modes
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 06: Display Directions below the Map
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 07: Display Directions in your Local Language
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points
Tutorials for the googleDirections_to_here plugin
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 02: Adding Label to Home Address
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 03: Travel Modes
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 06: Display Directions below the Map
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 07: Display Directions in your Local Language
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points
A simple question. When I re-create your map using {googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430"} the map displays fine but Street View does not operate as in your demo i.e. I can get static, stock photos but, unlike your demo, I cannot 'navigate' the view along roads etc. I do have the option to 'view in Google Maps' but I don't really want the additional step.
That's really strange because I use exactly the same plugin that I published in the website. I simply pass the address into Google Maps API and the entire output is direct from Google. It should be site-independent.
You might want to try this plugin on another site. You can also try using another Google Maps API and see if it works.
Warm Regards,
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