googleMaps plugin Tutorial 03: Language

This is part 3 of a series of tutorial for the googleMaps plugin.

The Language Options

You can display the Google Maps in your local language with the lang parameter.

You can look up the entire list of supported languages here.

Live Demo

  • To display the Google Maps control in Russian, use:
  • {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 lang=ru}

    Live demo - googleMaps - in Russian

  • To display the Google Maps control in Japanese, use:
  • {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 lang=ja}

    Live demo here - googleMaps - in Japanese

You can look up the entire list of supported languages here.

Tutorials for the googleMaps plugin

Tutorials for the googleDirections plugin

Tutorials for the googleDirections_to_here plugin

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