googleMaps plugin

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This plugin allows you to include one or more google maps right inside your content item or article.

This is a super light-weight plugin that uses the latest Google Maps API.

If you need to display just a simple map showing the address of your company, this is the plugin.

Note: If you want to use this content plugin inside a Custom HTML Modules, please refer to this article: How to Run Joomla Content Plugins in Custom HTML Modules.

Unique Features

  • Uses the latest Google Maps API v3
  • You can embed multiple Google Maps within an article
  • Each Google Map can be of different size, zoom level, map control and map type
  • Support for kml files
  • With built-in geocoder! i.e. you can specify using standard address instead of longitude and latitude
  • Built-in street view!
  • Support for many native languages e.g. Italian, Russian, French
  • Available for all Joomla versions: Joomla 1.0.x, native 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 2.5.x and 3.0.x!

User Review

This plugin is listed in the The Joomla! Extensions Directory: googleMaps by kksou

If you like this plugin, please post a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory

Latest Version

v3.0.30 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
Released Jul 20, 2017

  • Added support for responsive design for googleDirections and googleDirections_tohere
  • Added support for PHP 7

v3.0.28 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
Released Jul 8, 2017

  • Added support for Joomla Update System
  • Tested to work with Joomla 3.7.3

Geocoding your address

If you need to know the latitude and longitude of your address, you can find out here: Free Geocoder v2.0 by kksou.

googleMaps module

This plugin is for including Google Maps inside your article.

If you wish to place Google Maps in a module position, please use the googleMaps module.

googleDirections plugin

This plugin is for including Google Maps inside your article.

If you want to display Google Maps + driving/walking directions, use the googleDirections plugin.

Live Demo

Below you can see a live demo of the plugin. Note that:

  • You can embed more than one Google Maps within an article.
  • Each Google Map can be of different size and zoom level.
{googleMaps label="Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway.
Mountain View, CA 94043" zoom=15 lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 width=480 height=360}

{googleMaps lat=37.4163228 long=-122.0250403 label="Yahoo! Inc.~701 First Avenue~Sunnyvale, CA 94089" width=300 height=300 zoom=14}

{googleMaps lat=37.4163228 long=-122.0250403 label="Yahoo! Inc.~701 First Avenue~Sunnyvale, CA 94089" width=300 height=300 zoom=14 control=GLargeMapControl3D maptype=G_SATELLITE_MAP}

{googleMaps lat=47.5923005 long=-122.3172946 zoom=12 label=", Inc.~1200 12th Avenue South, Suite 1200~Seattle, Washington 98144-2734" width=300 height=300 control=GSmallMapControl maptype=G_NORMAL_MAP}

{googleMaps lat=47.5923005 long=-122.3172946 zoom=12 label=", Inc.~1200 12th Avenue South, Suite 1200~Seattle, Washington 98144-2734" width=300 height=300 control=GMapTypeControl maptype=G_HYBRID_MAP}

Demo - using KML Files

Yes, you can also use kml files directly with the plugin.

The following sample shows the blue, red and green polygons superimposed on the Google Maps.

The above sample code is produced by using the following syntax:

{googleMaps lat=53.763325 long=-2.579041 zoom=8 width=100% height=480 

How to use


  1. To insert a Google Map with geographical coordinates (i.e. latitude and longitude), use the following syntax:
  2. {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430}
    [Live Demo]

  3. To insert a Google Map using address, use the following syntax.
    • Please enclose the address in double quotes, not single quote.
    • Please specify the full address, including the country name if the address is not in US.
    • Click here for full list of supported countries
    {googleMaps addr="1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View CA 94043"}
    [Live Demo]

  4. You can add a label to be displayed when the user clicks on the red marker. Please make sure you enclose the label in double quotes. For new lines, please use ~.
  5. {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 label="Google Inc.~
    1600 Amphitheatre Parkway.~Mountain View, CA 94043"}
    [Live Demo]

  6. To specify the width and height of the map, use the following syntax:
  7. {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 label="Google Inc.~
    1600 Amphitheatre Parkway.<br />Mountain View, CA 94043" width=480 height=360}
    [Live Demo]

  8. To specify the zoom level of the map, use the following syntax:
  9. {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 label="Google Inc.~
    1600 Amphitheatre Parkway.~Mountain View, CA 94043" width=480 height=360 zoom=12}
    [Live Demo]

  10. KML Files: To use kml files, use the following syntax:
  11. {googleMaps lat=53.763325 long=-2.579041 zoom=8 width=480 height=480 

    Note that you still need to specify the latitude and longitude of the center of the map.

    [Live Demo]

  12. Hiding the Red Marker: By default, a red marker will appear at the point where you specify the center of the map. If you are displaying all markers within your KML files, you can hide the red marker by using the parameter marker=0.
  13. [Live Demo]

  14. Map Control: You can use the various map control as defined in Goolge Maps Controls Overview. For example, to use the large pan/zoom control as now used on Google Maps, use the following syntax:
  15. {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 control=GLargeMapControl3D}

    You can add multiple controls by delimiting with '|' as follows:

    {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 

    Other common map controls are as follows:

    • GLargeMapControl3D - a large pan/zoom control as now used on Google Maps. Appears in the top left corner of the map by default.
    • GLargeMapControl - a simpler large pan/zoom control. Appears in the top left corner of the map by default.
    • GSmallMapControl - a smaller pan/zoom control. Appears in the top left corner of the map by default.
    • GSmallZoomControl3D - a small zoom control (with no panning controls) as now used on Google Maps.
    • GSmallZoomControl - a small zoom control (no panning controls) used in the small map blowup windows used to display driving directions steps on Google Maps.
    • GScaleControl - a map scale
    • GMapTypeControl - buttons that let the user toggle between map types (such as Map and Satellite)
    • GHierarchicalMapTypeControl - a selection of nested buttons and menu items for placing many map type selectors.
    • GOverviewMapControl - a collapsible overview map in the corner of the screen

    For complete list, please refer to Goolge Maps Controls Overview.

  16. Map Type: You can use the various map type as defined in Common Map Types.
  17. For example, to display a Google Earth satellite image, use the following syntax:

    {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 maptype=SATELLITE} 
    [Live Demo]

    Other common map types are as follows:

    • ROADMAP displays the default road map view
    • SATELLITE displays Google Earth satellite images
    • HYBRID displays a mixture of normal and satellite views
    • TERRAIN displays a physical map based on terrain information

    For complete list, please refer to Common Map Types.

  18. Language option. The Google Maps API uses the browser's preferred language setting when displaying textual information such as the names for controls, copyright notices, and driving directions. If you wish to change the Maps API to ignore the browser's language setting and force it to display information in a particular language, you can add an optional lang parameter.
  19. e.g. to display the Goolge Maps control in French, use:

    {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 lang=fr}

    To display the Goolge Maps control in Japanese, use:

    {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 lang=ja}
    [Live Demo]

    You can look up the entire list of supported languages here.

  20. Overview Map. By default, an overview map will be added to the bottom right corner of the map. To turn it off use addoverview=0.

  21. Google Bar. By default, a Google Bar will be displayed that provides local search capabilities within Maps API applications, allowing users to search locations for local listings. For example, the user can search for restaurants or the nearest bookstores around the place. To turn it off use addgoogle=0.

  22. Map Scale. To add a a control that displays the map scale, use addscale=1.

Making the plugin W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional

To make the your page containing the googleMaps plugin W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional, here are the steps:

  1. Install googleMaps plugin v1.5.11 and above.
  2. Run your page through the HTML validator. If it does not validate, please do step 3.
  3. In Joomla, the standard editor usually puts a pair of <p>...</p> around each paragraph. This will cause a problem because the following is not valid in XHTML 1.0 Transitional (you cannot have a <div> inside a <p> tag):
  4. <p>
    ... HTML codes that inserts the google map

    To work around this, please add a add_p=1 in your googleMaps tags as shown below:

    {googleMaps lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 label="Google Inc.~
    1600 Amphitheatre Parkway.
    Mountain View, CA 94043" width=480 height=360 add_p=1}

    What this does is that it adds another pair of </p>...<p> just outside the pair of <div>:

    ... HTML codes that inserts the google map

Advanced use of googleMaps plugin

  1. How to display multiple markers in Google Maps using KLM file?

  2. How to display multiple markers in different colors in Google Maps using KML file?

  3. How to place numbered markers in Google Maps using KML file?


Remove the "Powered by" links

If you find the plugin useful and would like to use the plugin without the "Powered-by" links, you may do so by purchasing a "Powered-by" removal license for only USD $10 per site.

Secured payment is processed by All major credit cards are accepted, including Visa, Mastercard and American Express, etc. You can also pay by PayPal. Once the transaction is completed, you will be given a link to download the version with the "Powered by" links removed.

Purchase the "Powered-by" Removal License:


Version History

  1. v3.0.30 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
    Released Jul 20, 2017
    • Added support for responsive design for googleDirections and googleDirections_tohere
    • Added support for PHP 7

  2. v3.0.28 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
    Released Jul 8, 2017
    • Added support for Joomla Update System
    • Tested to work with Joomla 3.7.3

  3. v1.0.26 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.5.26 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.6.26 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7.26 (for Joomla 1.7), v2.5.26 (for Joomla 2.5), v3.0.26 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
    Released Apr 20, 2017
    • Support for secured websites (https)
    • Support for PHP7

  4. v3.0.25 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
    Released Nov 16, 2016
  5. As of June 22, 2016, Google now requires everyone to have an API key in order to display Google Maps on your website. Details here.

    If you do not have the Google Maps API key, you will receive the following error message: Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys .

    This latest version added support for Google Maps API key. Please obtain an API key from Google and then enter the API key in the Plugin Manager.

  6. v3.0.23 (for Joomla 3.0 and above)
    Released Dec 20, 2014
  7. Support for the latest Joomla 3.3.6!

  8. v1.0.20 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.5.20 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.6.20 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7.20 (for Joomla 1.7), v2.5.20 (for Joomla 2.5), v3.0.20 (for Joomla 3.0)
    Released Apr 21, 2013
    • Support for Joomla 3.0!

    • Changed onload() to addEvent('load') so that it works with some Joomla templates that also use onload().
  9. v1.0.19 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.5.19 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.6.19 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7.19 (for Joomla 1.7), v2.5.19 (for Joomla 2.5)
    Released Mar 24, 2012
  10. Thanks to persistence and many rounds of testing by Eric L, the googleMaps plugin now supports zoom and multiple InfoWindows with KML files!

  11. v1.0.18 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.5.18 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.6.18 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7.18 (for Joomla 1.7), v2.5.18 (for Joomla 2.5)
    Released Feb 4, 2012
    • added support for Joomla 2.5
    • add flag w3c=1 => w3c compliant
    • support for IE7!
    • allow googleMaps to display in tabs
    • now allow address to include ' (apostrophe)
  12. v1.0.17 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.5.17 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.6.17 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7.17 (for Joomla 1.7), v2.5.17 (for Joomla 2.5)
    Released Jan 26, 2012
  13. Native version of the googleMaps plugin for Joomla 2.5!

  14. v1.0.17 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.5.17 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.6.17 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7.17 (for Joomla 1.7)
    Released Jan 03, 2012
  15. Thanks to feedback from Florian who found out that the reverse geocode lookup by Google sometimes do not gives the right mapping. Have modified the code so that the googleMaps plugin now maps the exact location when latitude/longitude is given.

  16. v1.0.16 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.5.16 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.6.16 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7.16 (for Joomla 1.7)
    Released Dec 24, 2011
  17. New features:

    • Support for googleDirections multiple stopovers!
    • If no label is specified, will use addr or latlng as marker
    • Improved function for displaying marker
    • kml can now show marker too
    • Allow user to input addr as "37.4219720, -122.0841430"

  18. v1.0.15 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.5.15 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.6.15 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.7.15 (for Joomla 1.7)
    Released Nov 15, 2011
  19. Now uses Google Maps API v3!

    Key advantages in Google Maps API v3 includes:

    • Built-in street view!
    • You no longer require the Google API Key - what this means is that you can now access the google maps from your local machine!

  20. v1.7.14 (for Joomla 1.7)
    Released October 10, 2011
  21. Native version of the googleMaps plugin for Joomla 1.7!

    Also, support for PHP v5.3.8 for both Joomla 1.6 and Joomla 1.7.

  22. v1.6 (for Joomla 1.6)
    Released Feb 23, 2011
  23. Native version of the googleMaps plugin for Joomla 1.6!

  24. v1.0.13 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.5.13 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released February 27, 2010
  25. This is in response to Andrew's post titled "Re:Undesirable lines of code".

    The 2 lines of warning messages "$add_p undefined" have been fixed.

  26. v1.0.12 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.5.12 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released October 24, 2009
  27. This is in response to Chris's post titled "Re:googleDirections - To Here -- error".

    "$add_p undefined" has been fixed.

  28. v1.0.11 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.5.11 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released October 11, 2009
  29. This is in response to Alessandro Agostini's post titled "googleMaps incompatibility XHTML 1.0 Strict".

    The googleMaps plugin is now W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

    Please refer to here for complete description.

  30. v1.0.10 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.5.10 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released Jun 1, 2009
  31. Added support for the plugin googleDirections - To Here - plugin

  32. v1.09 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.59 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released May 28, 2009
  33. The plugin now comes with a built-in geocoder! This means that you can now specify address directly, instead of using the longitude and latitude. Please refer to here for more details.

  34. v1.08 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.58 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released May 27, 2009
  35. You can now add multiple controls, e.g.GLargeMapControl3D|GMapTypeControl. Please refer to here for more details.

  36. v1.07 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.57 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released May 23, 2009
  37. Added GOverviewMapControl, GScaleControl and GoogleBar.

    • By default, an overview map will be added to the bottom right corner of the map. To turn it off use addoverview=0.
    • By default, a Google Bar will be displayed that provides local search capabilities within Maps API applications, allowing users to search locations for local listings. For example, the user can search for restaurants or the nearest bookstores around the place. To turn it off use addgoogle=0.
    • To add a a control that displays the map scale, use addscale=1
  38. v1.06 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.56 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released May 14, 2009
  39. Thanks to Nina and Warren for highlighting that the plugin does not work in IE. A quick google will reveal that this seems to be a prevalent problem especially with IE6.

    Have fixed this in the new version. The googleMaps and googleDirections plugins now work with IE6 and above.

    Note that rendering of the Google Maps in IE6 is relatively slower than that in other browsers. So please be a bit patient. Also it seems that in IE6 the map marker icons (the little red teardrops) were not rendering properly.

  40. v1.05 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.55 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released May 12, 2009
    • Added language support e.g. lang=fr for French, lang=ja for Japanese, etc. Please refer to here for details.
    • You can now specify the width in percentage, e.g. width=81%, or width=100%.

  41. v1.04 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.54 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released May 11, 2009

  42. You can now specify the map control e.g. GLargeMapControl3D, GSmallZoomControl3D, GSmallMapControl, etc.

    You can now specify the map type e.g. G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, G_HYBRID_MAP, etc.

    Please refer to the documentations on how to define the map control and map type.

  43. v1.03 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.53 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released May 10, 2009
  44. Added support for kml files.

    Please refer to here on how to use kml files.

  45. v1.02 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.52 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released May 3, 2009
  46. Improved optimized code to display google maps.


+1 # Toufik 2012-01-10 22:43
It's a good work
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+3 # RAUL POPOCA 2012-03-06 00:03
Perfectoooooooooooo brother, gracias. :lol:
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+2 # alice3372 2012-04-11 23:35
8) veryyyyyy nice ........ I like it
Dissertation writers
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0 # CArlin 2012-04-20 13:02
How can I place this inside a component so I can change address based on PHP varriable?
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+3 # kksou 2012-04-23 06:56
This is a content plugin. As the name suggests, a content plugin is for use specifically within a Joomla article, which is managed by the com_content component.

Usually, a content plugin will not run in other components (it's originally designed to run within com_content only).

However, if you really want to a content plugin within other components, you may still achieve this by adding a trigger in your component.

You can find some documentation here: Supporting plugins in your component

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-4 # Zlatan 2012-07-13 15:40
is it possible to display html in the lable?
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-2 # kksou 2012-07-23 08:27

Not too sure about this. You might need to check at Google's forum or do a search on the internet about this.

If it can, you have to change the code yourself, because I designed this plugin as a lightweight plugin - something light and simple to use.

There are many other very powerful but more complicated googleMaps plugins in You may want to take a look at those if this feature is what you need.

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+2 # Zlatan 2012-07-21 08:42
Regarding links in a kml-file, is it possible to open them in the same window (seems like default is to open links a new window)?
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-5 # kksou 2012-07-23 07:54

This is controlled by google's API. It's not controlled by me.

Please look up google website on its rendering of KML file and see if there's any option to control that.

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0 # RonnyK 2012-08-09 16:59
Is there any way to have the pinkish border show around a jurisdiction like it does if I search in google maps? I've looked on the google api site and haven't seen anything.
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-1 # kksou 2012-08-17 01:41

Really sorry for the late reply. Not sure if you have found the solution.

Don't think Google Maps API provide such a function. You might be able to achieve this via CSS.

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-2 # Albano 2012-09-17 09:05

I install the googleDirections - To Here, but the Google Maps balloon (infowindow)text color is #fff and the bg too, so how can I change the text color.
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+2 # Yoong 2012-09-26 07:30
I tried to insert 4 different maps in an article with 2 rows and 2 columns configuration. Using this plugin {} one after another, I got 4 different maps. But the maps layout is 4 rows x 1 col.
How can I make it 2 rows x 2 columns?
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+2 # kksou 2012-09-26 09:05

Try to use HTML mode and then use standard HTML Table/TR/TD tags to insert table.

Within each TD, place the googleMaps tag.

Please give it a try and let me know if it works.

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-1 # Yoong 2012-09-27 20:08
No, I still got 2 rows 1 col. Pls see code below. but.. read further down

Two cities two columns:

{googleMaps width=300 height=300 addr="585 High Street, Penrith, NSW, Australia"}
{googleMaps addr="97 Victoria Ave, Chatswood, NSW, Australia"}

... but when I inserted another line;
before the , the 2 maps displayed as 1 row 2 cols. That's good. BUT the problem is the maps are displayed BELOW the footer. It should be within the article.
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+2 # kksou 2012-09-29 01:44

Can you please show the code again with the HTML codes.

Please use square bracket [ ] so that the code remains.

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-1 # Mauri 2012-09-30 14:39
how can i show the label just for the start, i mean not only by clocking the red dot?
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0 # jt5312 2012-10-11 08:08
not working.... plugins are enabled. I put the macro piece of code into an html module, and it's not being converted into a map with directions. It's just the macro code.
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-2 # Yoong 2012-10-12 23:36
My googleMaps all good now. Displayed within an article.
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-1 # Rusty10 2012-10-23 15:28
How can i choose an alternative route for the same destination instead of the first one google directions shows.
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+2 # kksou 2012-10-25 18:16

Please refer to the article:
googleDirections plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points

You can use the "stopover" tag to specify the points you want the route to pass through.

Is this what you have in mind?

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0 # Rusty10 2012-10-26 01:49
Hi kksou

I guess i can use this option along with the "nostop" function as well. On google maps itself it gives you other suggested routes as alternatives.

Thanks for your help
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+2 # kksou 2012-10-26 02:03

Now I get what you mean.

The one you see direct on google maps provided by is an interactive one. So they give you alternative routes right there.

The one we use in the plugin is using the Google Maps API. Of course it's not as powerful as the one from itself and it's not interactive.

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+3 # Rusty10 2012-10-28 05:23

thanks for your help. I have now got the directions sorted from your suggestion.

Many thanks
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+8 # foxxx75 2012-11-04 10:31
basically works fine on but takes a very long time to load.
any idea why???
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-2 # toxicated 2012-11-25 22:09
the plugin work fine for the first googleMap, but when insert the second in the same article (I use tab and slider to separate 1st and second location) the first map became incomplete, only partial of the map display.. required help, pls advice...
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+2 # Ed Berland 2012-12-07 13:06
Any way to control the color of the text on the pop up display? If the Joomla template css file calls for white text on a black background, it affects the color of the text on the pop up in the googleMaps display. Can a separate css file control that function?


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0 # Roger Tang 2013-01-09 07:59
Hi I received the order confirmation email after paying the USD10 via paypal, but after that it was a 404 not found and I was not re-directed to download the no-"power by" version. Please kindly help.
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-3 # Ronb 2013-04-05 15:00
I am interested in duplicating the map with the colored polygons.
Where is the info regarding how to do that?
Can the colored area be set to my choice or does it follow something in the google map?
I want to create a radius around a certain area.
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-3 # Luis lobo 2013-05-19 15:56
Hi, first of all, congratulations on a great plugin!! I am having trouble with and adress that does not seem to display correctly on the plug in. The place is already googable, its calles Zataaj and it is in dubai. Here is a link:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46751780,d.Yms&biw=1344&bih=746&wrapid=tlif136897153447710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

when I try to use the next line, it does not work:

{googleMaps addr="Zataaj, Dubai"}

How am I supposed to put the adress so it displays fine? Thanks you very much!!
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0 # kksou 2013-05-19 19:08
Hi Luis,

All Joomla plugins are using the google maps API. Naturally the API version will not be as "powerful" and smart as google's own Google Map - because they don't release all their functions in their API.

For your case, there are 2 solutions,

1) For the API or plugin, you need to put in more detailed address. I'm sure your company address is more than just "Zataaj, Dubai". So try put in the complete address and see if it works.

2) If it still doesn't work, the most accurate is actually using the latitude and longitude of your address. If you do not know what's the latitude and longitude for the address "Zataaj, Dubai", you can use the free Google Geocoder v2.0 that I've written:
Simply enter your address and click "Get Geocode". I tried it and it says: latitude: 25.271139
longitude: 55.307485

Once you know the geocode, you can refer to the article: googleMaps plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started

The article shows you how to display a map using latitude and longitude instead of address.

Please give it a try one more time and let me know if it works, ok?

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-1 # Panos 2013-05-20 23:55
Very nice work and thanks for this!!

I have one question: How can I align the map in the center of the article??

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-2 # kksou 2013-05-21 02:33

You need to look into and download a plugin that can allow you to embed HTML codes in your article.

Then with the plugin, you can now embed standard HTML tags such as [div align=center] or simply [center] to center the map.

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+1 # francois64 2013-06-18 05:20
I use joomla 3.0
I have a problem with the display of the map:-?
You can see it here :

Can you help me ?
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-6 # Fatih YILDIZ 2013-06-27 05:33
Quoting francois64:
I use joomla 3.0
I have a problem with the display of the map:-?
You can see it here :

Can you help me ?

Yes i have same problem too.
See at :
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+4 # Zlatan 2013-07-19 08:38
The same problem with distorted icons as described by francois64 and Fatih YILDIZ. Using Joomla 3.
Any update on this?
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+3 # kksou 2013-07-24 01:31
Hi Zlatan,

The entire output (i.e. the map) is direct from I didn't change anything - and we are NOT allowed to change any of the output from

I suppose it's some glitches from google server.

Is the problem still occurring? Does it occur every time? I cannot replicate the problem on my server, so it's difficult for me to know what's the problem.

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+1 # MarkB 2013-10-01 16:21
How do I center the map in an article?
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+2 # kksou 2013-10-02 01:16

First install a plugin that allows you to enter standard HTML tags in your article.

Then use standard [p align=center] tag or [table] tag to center the map.

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+3 # PhilipM 2013-10-08 20:35

When I use the plugin on Joomla v3, the little orange man and the "+" and "-" zoom options are all distorted and so small it's not possible to see them. Any ideas what might cause this?

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0 # kksou 2013-10-08 23:51
Hi Philip,

Would you mind email me the url so that I can take a look at the actual website to see where might be the problem?

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-1 # Alexander Zibin 2013-10-10 22:58
Hi kksou,
I've got the same trouble. Please can you take a look?

Also, the labels are very narrow and text wraps - how you make them wide in your examples?
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+3 # francois64 2013-10-11 07:20
If you have add other plugins in joomla, you can try to disable them...
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0 # Alexander Zibin 2013-10-11 12:55
I've got only Akeeba and JCE - disabled them now, but no result.
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0 # eksen 2013-11-14 18:24
greath works

thanks guys
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+3 # Allan Beth 2013-11-27 03:50
Hi there,

This plugin seems to be exactly what i'm looking for. i have a problem getting it to work though.

all i see when i put the code into an article is the code itself.

I have enabled the plugin, i am running PHP 5.4

any ideas?
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+2 # Hans N 2013-12-10 06:10
Is it possible to embed the {googlemap *} in JUMI, i gave up.
It works in directPHP but then i have other problems.?
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+3 # MTDrifter 2014-01-23 19:36
Quoting PhilipM:

When I use the plugin on Joomla v3, the little orange man and the "+" and "-" zoom options are all distorted and so small it's not possible to see them. Any ideas what might cause this?


If your template is using Twitter Bootstrap, this will happen.

I created /var/www/joomla/templates/TEMPLATE_NAME/css/gmaps. css and added the following code:
.gmnoprint img { max-width: none; }

Then edited /var/www/joomla/templates/TEMPLATE_NAME/index.php and added the gmaps.css inclusion after the bootstrap.min.css inclusion.

This seemed to fix the control issue but still having problems with the labels being narrow and having to scroll.
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-1 # dbntp 2014-02-04 20:32
The close icon in the infowindow is distorted by the img class setting width=100%. Is there a way to fix this?
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-5 # kksou 2014-02-05 07:03
Yes, I'm working on this...

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+3 # dbntp 2014-02-07 07:55
Thank you for looking into the img class item. I am new to responsive design and would like any guidance you have in making the map display responsive for small display devices. Thank you!
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-5 # kksou 2014-02-10 07:56

I've just uploaded a new version - googleMaps_v3.0.21 - for Joomla 3.0 and above.

Can you please give it a try to see if it works for you?

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+1 # pascal 2016-05-12 07:32

a great plugin! but one question: how can i cluster multiple placemarks on the same location.
e.g. it is for a website with walking maps and there are different maps starting at the same location.
in google earth i get a cluster, in joomla i get only the latest placemarker:-(
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+2 # kksou 2016-05-16 11:54
Hi Pascal,

I wrote this simple and lightweight plugin so that I can easily embed a google map into a Joomla article on my website ( I thought this might be useful to others too. So I decided to share this on

I did extend this plugin to support KML files. You can see some examples here:
googleMaps plugin Tutorial 05: KML Files

So if you can do what you want using KML file, then you can give it a try. (Note: the Google Maps API does not support the full range of KML commands that you can use native in That's why I say give it a try because some might not work via API.)

If it doesn't work, then you might want to try some other more complicated google maps API in

Warm Regards,
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0 # Tim 2017-03-20 14:07

I'm trying to use this extension for a customer running on Joomla 1.5 (the usual story: no 'need' to upgrade).

My console is telling me that there is no API key provided to correctly display the Maps element. Is it possible to add this in the HTML editor?
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0 # kksou 2017-04-20 14:22
Hi Tim,

Very sorry for the late reply. There were a lot of spam comments lately, and your comments were buried among those spam comments...!

The Google Maps API key is entered in the Plugin Manager - GoogleMaps plugin, not the HTML editor.

Please give it a try and let me know if it works, ok?

Warm Regards,
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-5 # Michael 2017-06-10 15:50

I get this Warning when i upgrade to PHP 7.x :

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentgoogleMaps has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/vhosts/ ... / plugins/content/googleMaps/googleMaps.php on line 25
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0 # kksou 2017-06-12 04:09
Hi Michael,

Think you are still using the old version of googleMaps plugin.

Please download and update to the latest version (v.3.0.26) and let me know if it's working, ok?

You can download the latest version here:

Warm Regards,
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+1 # Aleksandrs Fridmanis 2018-02-12 14:06
seems to be a good plugin, but i cant get this work - after installing and enabling it shows the macro self in article or in custom module not the map.

I've also purchased removal licence, but not sure how to use this.

It would be great to get quick support for both issues.

Thanks in advance
Alex F.
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-1 # kksou 2018-02-13 00:39
Hi Alex,

Is it possible that you let me know the URL of the page that you've added the tag to display the googleMap? Need to do a view source to dig out more clues as to what might be the problem.

If you're not comfortable, then I'll do a full refund for your purchase.

p.s. I suppose you have enabled the plugin. If you know what is "ordering" of the plugins, you can also try shifting the googleMaps plugin to the first or last order. Conflicts in Joomla plugins are very common. So sometimes shifting the order of the plugin will resolve the problem.

Warm Regards,
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+4 # kksou 2018-02-13 00:43
Hi Alex,

By the way, the googleMaps plugin is a content plugin. As the name suggests, it's supposed to work within a Joomla article.

So try to make sure this works in a Joomla article first. Once it works, then try it in a module.

If the plugin doesn't work in an article, it will not work in a module.

Warm Regards,
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-1 # Aleksandrs Fridmanis 2018-02-13 11:40

thanks for fast reply. So ive tryed plugin in articvle and in custom module - both dont working and deliver the macro code on the site.

The URL is:

The site is pretty simple and use beside of defaults:
Components - Chronoforms6, RokCandy, Akeeba Backup and AdminTools
Modules: BT Content Slider
Plugins: GoogleMaps

Feel free to contact me via Mail if you will need login to admin.

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-2 # Aleksandrs Fridmanis 2018-02-13 11:47
Oh, and shifting plugin didnt solve the issue unfirtunately...
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-1 # Aleksandrs Fridmanis 2018-02-13 13:32
Ive placed now map in footer temporary with other module, but have leave the macro code in first article on Page for your reference: {google_map lat=37.4219720 long=-122.0841430 maptype=SATELLITE}
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-6 # kksou 2018-02-14 03:20
Hi Alex,

Found out 2 things:
1) The tag should be Code:googleMaps and not google_map. So try to change your tags to:
Code:googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430" maptype=SATELLITE
and see if it works
Note: please add the curly brackets. If I add it here, the map will be displayed and you won't be able to see the tags.

2) I see there's a map displayed at the bottom, just below your user comment area. Is that anther plugin displaying the map?

Warm Regards,
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+1 # grantiago 2018-03-06 02:29
hi. is there anyway to hide the POIs?
featureType: "poi",
elementType: "business",
stylers: [
{ visibility: "off" }
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+7 # kksou 2018-03-06 02:57

The Google Map API is huge and keeps evolving. It's now into v3 and I have only learned and used a tiny fraction of it.

I'm not familiar with what you need. You might want to ask in the Google Maps forum and see if any one can help you.

Warm Regards,
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+1 # Aleksandrs Fridmanis 2018-03-06 06:36
Hi kksou,
im expecting now other issue, that by using multiple maps on same page only last one is displayed. Others are simple blanks. Do you have some ideas why this may happen?

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+2 # kksou 2018-03-06 06:45
Hi Alex,

The plugins work with multiple maps, as you can see on this page.

However, it sometimes does not work when you use multiple maps in tabs. It's conflicts between different plugins/modules, which is very common in Joomla. If the other is also a plugin, you may try to shuffle the order of the 2 plugins. It might work.

Warm Regards,
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+2 # Christian Teuber 2019-01-13 15:45
Can I add 2 kml files to the map and is the plugin running on a php 7.1 server.
thank you for your answers.
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+2 # kksou 2019-01-14 14:44
Hi Christian,

I have a sample page here with many KML files on it: googleMaps plugin Tutorial 05: KML Files

So this plugin allows you to display multiple KML files.

However, I'm not running php 7.1, and I do not currently have a server running php 7.1. So for this, you have to test it yourself.

Please give it a try and let us know if it works on php 7.1, ok?

Warm Regards,
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+4 # Christian Teuber 2019-01-14 16:30
Can you point me to the sample map, I see only maps with one kml file on one map. I want to show 2 kml files on one map.

I will check if your plugin runs on php 7.1 and share the result.

Best regards

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-1 # kksou 2019-01-15 00:06
Hi Christian,

Yes, you're right. For this plugin, you can show multiple KML files in a web page (using multiple tags), but within each map, there can only be one KML file.

I developed this googleMap plugin so that I can display an address in a google map easily. I designed it to be lightweight and easy to use. For more complicated maps, I think there are many other plugins in the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

By the way, KML files are just plain text file. Is it possible for you to simply copy and paste to combine the 2 KML files before loading them into googleMap?

Warm Regards,
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-4 # Patrick 2019-05-13 17:29
Hi there,

will it be possible to just show a link to the popup map? I don't want to show the map on my page, but's just a link of some sort to a popup with the map. I like to use it with KML files also.

Kind regards and thank you for a great plugin!
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-3 # kksou 2019-05-16 15:18
Hi Patrick,

I developed this plugin initially so that I can place a map on my website easily. I thought this might be useful to others, so I decide to share it on

There are many other googlemaps plugins with very elaborate features out there. And it's never my intention to compete with them. All I want is to have a very light-weight plugin to display a google map easily.

For your case, you need the googlemap in a popup. You can either try one of those elaborate plugin. Or, alternatively, if you know a bit about jQuery, there are many jQuery plugins out there that you can easily add to display a section of your page into a popup window. You can include the googleMap and use jQuery to display the map in the popup.

Hope this helps.

Warm Regards,
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-1 # Francois Guyon 2020-04-13 17:26
A way to get a radius area displayed on map based on address entered by user ?
A Radius Around Point Map
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