This is part 1 of a series of tutorial for the googleDirections - To Here - plugin.
Using the googleDirections plugin is as easy as 1-2-3:
- Specify your Home Address - i.e. the end point, or where you want your customer to go to. This can be real address or in latitude/longitude.
- Specify the
. This sets the size of your map (width
), and also the width of the directions (dir_width
Different ways of specifying Start and End points
- You can specify the start and end point using real address
- Enclose from and to in double quotes (")
- Enter the full address in one line. If you're not in US, specify your country too.
- You can specify the start and end point using latitude / longitude
- This method allows you to pinpoint very accurately to the exact start and end points that you want, especially when Google cannot decode your address correctly.
- If you need to know the latitude and longitude of the start or end point, you can find out here: Free Geocoder v2.0 by kksou.
- Enclose the latitude/longitude in double quotes (")
{googleDir_tohere width=320 height=360 dir_width=275 home_addr="1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View CA 94043"}
Coming from:
{googleDir_tohere width=300 height=360 dir_width=275 home_addr="37.4211444, -122.0853032"}
Coming from:
Width and Height of the Map and Directions
- Note that for Google Map with directions, you cannot specify the width and height in percentages. All dimensions are in px.
- Please make sure you set all the 3 dimensions:
, otherwise no map or direction will appear on your page.
Zoom Level
You do not need to specify any zoom level.
The default zoom level of the map is automatically set by Google such that the start point and end point are being displayed optimally on the map.
Tutorials for the googleMaps plugin
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 02: Zoom Level
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 03: Language
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 04: Map Type
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 05: KML Files
Tutorials for the googleDirections plugin
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 02: Specifying Stopover Points
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 03: Travel Modes
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 06: Display Directions below the Map
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 07: Display Directions in your Local Language
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points
Tutorials for the googleDirections_to_here plugin
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 02: Adding Label to Home Address
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 03: Travel Modes
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 06: Display Directions below the Map
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 07: Display Directions in your Local Language
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points
firstly thanks for the pluggin
I am using the googleDirection -to Here and i want to add a 3 mile radius around a point on the map.
I also want the website to display a message if the customers post code is outside the 3 mile radius zone.
Any help will be appreciated
{googleDir_tohere width=320 height=360 dir_width=275 home_addr="856 St. Michael's Drive, Santa Fe NM 87505"}
Any idea why the map is blank?
Would you mind share your URL so that I can do a view source to get more clues as to what might be the problem.
If you said you have enabled the plugin and you see tag displayed, it means that the tag has not been processed at all. It could most likely be conflicts with other plugins or modules. Joomla is a very loose framework. Conflicts are quite common in Joomla.
By the way, can you please also take a look at the following article: Ordering of Joomla plugins
Try to change the order of the plugin to be the first one or the last one. Sometimes it solves the problem.
Also, go to the plugin manager and make sure that you have, enabled all the 3 plugins - googleMaps, googleDirections and googleDirections_tohere plugins. All 3 need to be installed and enabled for this to work. The downloaded package will install all 3 plugins, but you must make sure that you enable all 3 plugins.
Warm Regards,
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