This part 2 of a series of tutorial for the googleMaps plugin.
The Zoom Level
- The keyword
sets the initial zoom level when the map is first displayed. - If you do not specify the zoom level, it will use the default zoom level of 15. This default can be changed via the Plugin Manager.
Zoom = 2 | Zoom = 8 |
{googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430" zoom=2} | {googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430" zoom=8} |
Zoom = 10 | Zoom = 15 |
{googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430" zoom=10} | {googleMaps addr="37.4219720, -122.0841430" zoom=15} |
Tutorials for the googleMaps plugin
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 02: Zoom Level
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 03: Language
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 04: Map Type
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 05: KML Files
Tutorials for the googleDirections plugin
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 02: Specifying Stopover Points
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 03: Travel Modes
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 06: Display Directions below the Map
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 07: Display Directions in your Local Language
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points
Tutorials for the googleDirections_to_here plugin
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 02: Adding Label to Home Address
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 03: Travel Modes
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 06: Display Directions below the Map
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 07: Display Directions in your Local Language
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points
Sorry for the late reply.
Have just released googleMaps v2.5.19.
Please try this latest version and let me know if zoom works with your KML files now.
nice work of yours! One questioin: How do i switch off the overview map in the lower right hand corner? like u got it in the example above.
thanks in advance for your reply.
found it in the version info, thx
When you say this was updated in googleMaps v2.5.19 is that the version that is compatible with Joomla 2.5+? I am using 1.7, would upgrading Joomla fix this problem?
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