This is part 3 of a series of tutorial for the googleDirections plugin.
When displaying Google directions, you need to specify which transportation mode to use. The following travel modes are currently supported by Google:
indicates standard driving directions using the road network.WALKING
requests walking directions via pedestrian paths & sidewalks (where available).- BICYCLING requests bicycling directions via bicycle paths & preferred streets (currently only available in the US).
If you do not specify any travel mode, the default used is DRIVING
Travel Modes
{googleDir width=360 height=360 dir_width=275 mode=driving from="333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108" to="900 N Point St, San Francisco, CA 94109"}
{googleDir width=360 height=360 dir_width=275 mode=walking from="333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108" to="900 N Point St, San Francisco, CA 94109"}
{googleDir width=360 height=360 dir_width=275 mode=bicycling from="333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108" to="900 N Point St, San Francisco, CA 94109"}
Tutorials for the googleMaps plugin
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 02: Zoom Level
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 03: Language
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 04: Map Type
- googleMaps plugin Tutorial 05: KML Files
Tutorials for the googleDirections plugin
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 02: Specifying Stopover Points
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 03: Travel Modes
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 06: Display Directions below the Map
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 07: Display Directions in your Local Language
- googleDirections plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points
Tutorials for the googleDirections_to_here plugin
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 01: Getting Started
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 02: Adding Label to Home Address
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 03: Travel Modes
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 06: Display Directions below the Map
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 07: Display Directions in your Local Language
- googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 08: Specifying Stopover Points
In my country the "By bus" travel mode is not available and it seems that it will take years before the transportation companies arrange something with google to add it. The reason why I am writing is because I want to ask you if there is a way of adding the routes by myself and use your extension to show directions with the "Custom Route" (regarding buses routes of my city). If it is possible could you tell how to make it possible, maybe a specific manual of "how to" using your app or an app customization applies. I know that this is not exactly what you offer with this extension, but I'm sure you have the expertise to do that and since the app accepts Google API v3 it should be possible. I'm open to receive a quotation and evaluate if I can afford it or donate (of course I'm an individual, not big money in the pocket, just wanting to make something good for my city).
Thank you!
Great plugin! s there any way to hide the travel mode drop down?
As long as it's supported by the Google Maps API, you can do it.
You actually have the complete source code in the Joomla - plugins - content directory. Once you have found out which API to use, you can then add in the code to the source code.
Warm Regards,
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