googleDirections plugin Tutorial 05: Display Directions on the Left

This is part 5 of a series of tutorial for the googleDirections plugin.

  1. By default, the Google Map is displayed on the left and the routing directions on the right.
  2. If you prefer to display the map on the right and the directions on the left, you can use the keyword map_on_right=1

Directions on Left or Right

  1. Directions on Right
  2. By default, the direction is displayed on the right.

    {googleDir width=360 height=360 dir_width=275 
    from="333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108" 
    to="900 N Point St, San Francisco, CA 94109"}

  3. Directions on Left
  4. {googleDir width=360 height=360 dir_width=275 map_on_right=1 
    from="333 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94108" 
    to="900 N Point St, San Francisco, CA 94109"}

Tutorials for the googleMaps plugin

Tutorials for the googleDirections plugin

Tutorials for the googleDirections_to_here plugin

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