googleDirections - To Here - plugin Tutorial 04: Unit Systems - miles or km

This is part 4 of a series of tutorial for the googleDirections - To Here - plugin.

  1. By default, directions are calculated and displayed using the unit system of the origin's country or region.
  2. For example, a route from "Chicago, IL" to "Toronto, ONT" will display results in miles, while the reverse route will display results in kilometers.
  3. Origins expressed using latitude/longitude coordinates rather than addresses always default to metric units.
  4. You can specify the unit system to be used in the driving instructions:
    • METRIC specifies usage of the metric system. Distances are shown using kilometers.
    • IMPERIAL specifies usage of the Imperial (English) system. Distances are shown using miles.

Unit Systems

  1. In Miles
  2. {googleDir_tohere width=320 height=360 dir_width=275 uunit=IMPERIAL 
    home_addr="900 N Point St, San Francisco, CA 94109"}

    Coming from:

  3. In Kilometers
  4. {googleDir_tohere width=320 height=360 dir_width=275 unit=METRIC 
    home_addr="900 N Point St, San Francisco, CA 94109"}

    Coming from:

Tutorials for the googleMaps plugin

Tutorials for the googleDirections plugin

Tutorials for the googleDirections_to_here plugin

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