Pausing up-down Scroller plugin

This is a plugin which allows you to display an up-down scroller that pauses between each message! The scroller is displayed right inside your article or content item.

The original code was written by What I've done is to wrap the code into a Joomla plugin so that you can use it within your Joomla articles.


Powered by JoomlaGadgets

You can see a sample scroller on the right of this paragraph.

The look of the scroller is completely styled using external CSS, including the width, height, foreground and background color.

Powered by JoomlaGadgets

You can have multiple scrollers, each with different width, height and alignment (float to left or right).

Note that you can have different pause intervals for each scroller. The first one above scrolls once every 3 seconds. The second one on the left scrolls once every 4 seconds.

You can also easily create a single line scroller just by adjusting the scroller's height appropriately!

Powered by JoomlaGadgets

Latest Version

v1.03 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.53 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.63 (for Joomla 1.6), v1.73 (for Joomla 1.7), v2.53 (for Joomla 2.5)
Released January 31, 2012

Support for Pausing up-down Scroller module for Joomla 2.5!

How to use the "Pausing up-down Scroller" plugin

Important: If you're using Joomla 1.5.8, please refer to the article:
How to enter HTML tags, javascript and PHP codes in Joomla 1.5.8?
Otherwise you might find that all your HTML tags, Javascript and PHP scripts will be removed the moment you click the Save or Apply button.
  1. To insert the Pausing up-down Scroller, use the syntax:
  2. {UpDownScroller}
    ... scroller messages ... 

  3. Each scrolling message is delimited by a line containing three dashes '---'
  4. {UpDownScroller}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3

  5. The scrolling message can contain any valid HTML text such as links:
  6. {UpDownScroller}
    <a href=""> Technology and business reports</a>
    <a href="">CNN: Headline and breaking news 24/7</a>
    <a href="" target="_new">BBC News: UK and international news</a>

  7. Each scrolling message can also contain multiple lines:
  8. {UpDownScroller}
    <a href=""></a>
    Technology and business reports
    <a href="">CNN</a>
    Headline and breaking news 24/7
    <a href="" target="_new">BBC News</a>
    UK and international news

  9. Width of the scroller: The default width of the scroller is defined in the Parameters in Plugin Manager. If you want to change the scroller width locally to say, 360px, use the following syntax:
  10. {UpDownScroller width:360}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3
  11. Height of the scroller: The default height of the scroller is defined in the Parameters in Plugin Manager. If you want to change the scroller height locally to say, 120px, use the following syntax:
  12. {UpDownScroller width:360 height:120}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3
  13. Unique ID of the scroller: If you are using only one scroller in an article, you do not need to specify any ID for the scroller.
  14. However, if you're using more than one scrollers in an article, you will need to specify a unique ID for each scroller. The ID used is similar to a standard variable name, i.e. the first character should be a-z or _, followed by a-z, 0-9 or _.

    {UpDownScroller id:t121 width:360 height:120}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3
  15. CSS style of the scroller: The default css style for the scroller is pscroller1 as specified in the css file pausing_up_down_scroller.css in the folder mambots/content/pausing_up_down_scroller (for Joomla 1.0), and plugins/content/pausing_up_down_scroller (for Joomla 1.5).
  16. If you take a look at the css file pausing_up_down_scroller.css, you will see three pre-defined styles: pscroller1, pscroller2 and pscroller3. These are the three css styles used by the three demos you see above. To specify which css style to use for the scroller, use the following syntax:

    {UpDownScroller id:t121 style:pscroller3 width:360 height:120}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3

  17. Make the scroller float left: To make the scroller float left, use the following syntax. The 10 following the keyword left will set a margin of 10px between the scroller and the text flowing around it.
  18. {UpDownScroller id:t121 style:pscroller3 width:360 height:120 float:left10}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3

  19. Make the scroller float right: To make the scroller float right, use the following syntax. The 16 following the keyword left will set a margin of 16px between the scroller and the text flowing around it.
  20. {UpDownScroller id:t121 style:pscroller3 width:360 height:120 float:right16}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3

  21. The pause between each message: The default pause between the display of each message is 3000 milli-seconds.
  22. To specify this pause value to, say 2.5 seconds, use the following syntax. The value is specified in milli-seconds.

    {UpDownScroller id:t121 style:pscroller3 width:360 height:120 float:left pause:2500}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3

  23. CSS file: The default css file is pausing_up_down_scroller.css. However, you can also specify a different css files for different scrollers with the following syntax:
  24. {UpDownScroller id:t121 style:pscroller3 float:left pause:2500 css:your_css_file.css}
    message #1
    message #2
    message #3


How to install (Joomla 1.0.x)

  1. Download the plugin and unzip it into a folder.
  2. From the Installers menu, select mambots. In the field "Install directory", enter the folder location (where you unzipped the file) and click Install.
  3. From the Mambots menu, select Site Mambots.
  4. Make sure the plugin "Pausing up-down Scroller" is published. If you see a cross in the Published column, just click on it. It will turn into a green tick.

You are now ready to use this plugin!

How to install (Joomla 1.5.x)

  1. Download the plugin and unzip it into a folder.
  2. From the Extensions menu, select Install/Uninstall. In the field "Install directory", enter the folder location (where you unzipped the file) and click Install.
  3. From the Extensions menu, select Plugin Manager.
  4. Enable the plugin "Pausing up-down Scroller" - make sure there is a green tick in the Enabled column.
  5. Very Important: If you're using Joomla 1.5.8 and above, please refer to the article:
    How to enter HTML tags, javascript and PHP codes in Joomla 1.5.8?. Otherwise you might find that all your HTML tags, Javascript and PHP scripts will be removed the moment you click the Save or Apply button.

You are now ready to use this plugin!


  1. v1.01 (for Joomla 1.0) and v1.51 (for Joomla 1.5)
    Released December 19, 2008
  2. modified the codes slightly so that it can be used with mod_pausing_up_down_scroller

    v1.02 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.52 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.62 (for Joomla 1.6) and v1.72 (for Joomla 1.7)
    Released November 25, 2011

    Native version of the Pausing up-down Scroller plugin for Joomla 1.6 and Joomla 1.7!

  3. v1.03 (for Joomla 1.0), v1.53 (for Joomla 1.5), v1.63 (for Joomla 1.6) and v1.73 (for Joomla 1.7)
    Released November 25, 2011
  4. Support for Pausing up-down Scroller module for Joomla 1.6 and Joomla 1.7!

    [product_id] => 80,81
    [userid] => 0
    [j] => Array
            [136] => Array
                    [25] => 20250206_14:31:34_18.97.14.89_462134

            [121] => Array
                    [17] => 20250206_14:31:34_18.97.14.89_678897

            [120] => Array
                    [16] => 20250206_14:31:34_18.97.14.89_939852

            [81] => Array
                    [15] => 20250206_14:31:34_18.97.14.89_662530

            [80] => Array
                    [10] => 20250206_14:31:34_18.97.14.89_794799




0 # mike construct it 2012-01-10 14:07
this product is way to confusing and doesnt seem to work right in 1.7
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0 # kksou 2012-01-10 16:44

It works on Joomla 1.7. There are already many users using it on Joomla 1.7.

Would you want to provide more details so that I can help? e.g.
- What have you tried?
- Could you please switch to the standard Joomla template and see if it works - this will allow you to see if it works on your machine at all. (because some other Joomla template uses other javascript animation library that causes conflict with jQuery.)
- Can you provide the URL so that I can do a view source of your page to gather more clues as to where might be the problem.

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0 # Ben Fa 2012-01-11 05:09
I tried the scroller, but it does not pause on eac message that has --- on the last line (separate line_ . i have the plug in in the right module, J1.7

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0 # kksou 2012-01-29 17:15

Can you please email me the tag that you have tried to use?

Will test it on my side to see what's the problem.

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0 # Derek G 2012-02-03 16:46
I want to use multiple scrollers on same page. I have assigned different ids to each one, but only the first one scrolls (and even that mixes in text that should be in the second occurrence). Is there any additional setting I need - I see that it works on your demo page, and from a brief look at the source code for my page it looks similar, ie the arrays seem corrctly defined. Any suggestions would be appreciated
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0 # kksou 2012-02-03 19:22
Hi Derek,

Have just sent you an email. Please email me back those information so that I have more clues as to where might be the problem.

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+1 # kksou 2012-02-06 18:24
Hi Derek,

Have received your email with the details. Thanks.

If you take a look at the css, it uses # for each scroller. This means that each scroller needs to point to a different style corresponding to each id.

For your case, you have used "mod_pscroller" as style for your first scroller, so you need to specify a different css for your second scroller.

Try changing your second scroller:

Please give it a try and let me know if it works this time.

Once it works, you can start modifying the style pscroller2 to suit your needs.

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0 # Victor Wukovits 2012-02-08 13:43
I purchased this plugin a while back (last year), and can't find my email receipt for the "powered by" removal license. How can I get that resent?
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0 # kksou 2012-02-08 16:55
Hi Victor,

Have just emailed you the latest registered version of the plugin.

Please let me know if you didn't receive it.

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0 # gwenwren 2012-03-10 17:16
thanks to the clear instructions on this page i had the scroller working within minutes. fabulous product!@ fabulous support@!
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0 # Jade 2012-03-11 17:00
I want to d/l the plugin and try it "first" before I buy it w/ the removed by line - but your site here doesn't seem to have that option (even though is says "if you find it useful" - - Each time I click d/l - I'm taken to the buy link. Where is the free version?
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0 # kksou 2012-03-11 18:12
Hi Jade,

May I know which link did you click?

If you try the download link at:

All the 5 links there should work fine (for the 5 different versions of Joomla).

Have also emailed a copy of the installers to you.

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0 # dora 2012-03-13 13:33
;-) Good job! Thanks so much.
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0 # Lpizzle 2012-03-15 13:07
With regards to number 4 listed above "Each scrolling message can also contain multiple lines:" Is there any limit as to how many lines the scroller can handle?
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0 # kksou 2012-03-15 17:43

As mentioned in the first paragraph of this page, the original code was written by What I've done is to wrap this into a Joomla plugin so that you can use this within the Joomla framework.

You might want to ask the author about your question. Alternatively, has a very active forum. You can also ask the questions there.

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-1 # Andyk 2012-03-26 05:22
Neat little plugin, works very well.
Is it possible though to show more than 1 message at a time but then only move up one on each scroll (hope this makes sense)?
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0 # kksou 2012-03-29 17:22

No. This is a simple plugin to display one message at a time.

You may want to try to see if there are more elaborated plugins that can achieve what you have in mind.

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0 # Aman Sahota 2012-03-26 14:41
hi using the plugin:

It seems to be covering all of my graphics? The "powered by..." text seems to be a big block image.

WHy can it not be just simple html text sitting in the corner instead of a massive image? Anyway around this?
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0 # kksou 2012-03-29 17:21

Think it's due to the CSS stylesheets of your template. Try switching to the standard Joomla template and see if the problem is still there.

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0 # lsee 2012-04-26 23:53
I install the both module and pluggin V1.7, But it displays the text in put in the module content plainly. May I know what could be the possible reason ?
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0 # lsee 2012-04-27 00:05
Sorry for the confusion. It works for me now. I forgot to enable the plugin.
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0 # ellieutt 2012-06-13 08:20
is there a way to justify the text once you've input it?

For a total beginner you have made everything else real easy! :lol:
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0 # kksou 2012-06-13 08:55

Haven't tried it yet. But I think you can do it through the CSS style sheets.

Goto the folder: plugins/content/pausing_up_down_scroller/pausing_up_down_scroller

Edit the file: pausing_up_down_scroller.css

If you are using the default sample, you can try edit the style for "#pscroller1"

Let me know if it works, ok?

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0 # Mark Garland 2012-06-14 16:40
where is the plugin?

I can not for the life of me find the download for the PLUGIN - 20 mins searching your site after registering - there is only a module download - which do not work with out plugin??????

Where is the plugin download please?

Why would I buy if the needed plugin is not supplied with module as is - it don't work?
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0 # kksou 2012-06-14 17:02
Hi Mark,

It's right on this page (where you leave this comment).

You can search for the word "Download".

Or you can click this link:

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0 # no9w 2012-06-28 20:35
Hi, I'm not real techy, but with your directions, I have the scroller working on a site I'm building. Could you tell me how I can change the background color and possibly size and color of text? And also how to open links in a new window.
Thank you so much.
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0 # no9w 2012-06-28 20:41
Ok, I think it uses the default colors and size for text. Now, just don't know how to change background color to match my background and open a new window with link.
This scroller is what I've been looking for.
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0 # kksou 2012-06-29 08:16

You can set the background color through the style sheets

Name of the css file: "pausing_up_down _scroller.css"

Located in the following folder: plugins/content/pausing_up_down _scroller/pausing_up_down _scroller

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0 # grace 2012-07-03 01:07

I want to attach an anchor tag to the heading of the module, so when i click on the header say (Pausing up-down) on my website, it will take the user to another article with the whole list of news items that is being scrolling down. Is there any option for this?? Thanks in advance.
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0 # kksou 2012-07-03 01:37

There's no option to do this. You have the source code. You will need to modify the code to suit your needs.

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0 # grace 2012-07-03 02:13
Thanks for the reply!! Since i m new to joomla and php .. could u please list the steps as how should i code in the xml and php files ? Would be wonderful if you help me in this. Thank you
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0 # Flotsman 2012-09-05 14:54
This is really a lame app that doesn't work in 2.5.4
Documentation is very poor at best.
Doesnt work at all no matter how I add the {UpDownScroller}
THis is a test
This is a test


Just shows exactly what is above in code or in module..
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0 # kent morrison 2012-10-16 11:43
TESTED this plugin with the free version.
My client liked it, so bought it, just now, for $10.
Uninstalled the free version, installed the purchased version.
Basically the exact same code, but with sizing parameters in it.
HERE is the site, please tell me what is wrong?

Thank you,
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0 # kksou 2012-10-16 18:27
Hi Kent,

The zip file that you've downloaded contains the installers for all 5 Joomla version.

1) Please unzip the downloaded zip file to a file location.

2) You will see 5 subfolders. Each one is the installer for the respective Joomla version.

3) Use the installer that corresponds to your Joomla version.

Please give it a try one more time and let me know if it works.

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0 # bpg 2012-10-22 13:18
Hi kksou,

Joomla version 1.5.23
Free version of Pausing...
Basic test doesn't work.
The text appears with banners and without CR/LF.

It's what i see on the page
{UpDownScroller} message #1 --- message #2 --- message #3 {/UpDownScroller}

It's correct in the module window

Thank's in advance
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0 # kksou 2012-10-24 19:28

You see the tag too: {UpDownScroller} ?

If you see the tag, it means the tags are not processed at all. Did you enable the plugin?

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-1 # Gaylen 2012-11-01 21:50
Hey I just want to say being a total beginner with Joomla, this is the only one I could get to work out of 4-5 other scrollers. So two thumbs up from me! Good job!:-) Also to others, all you do is copy and paste the codes above into the text box in the module, then edit it to fit your needs.
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0 # AshH 2013-01-01 01:39
Is this works on Joomla 2.5??

cause I tried with the coding you have provided but it's not working. Please help me.
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0 # nova 2013-05-10 00:59
Unique ID of the scroller is for me not functioning?
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0 # nova 2013-05-10 02:04
Quoting nova:
Unique ID of the scroller is for me not functioning?

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0 # Wendy Rose 2013-06-10 03:35
The scroller is not pausing at the --- but rather it is displaying it as text. I have tried many different things to fix this and I am just wasting valuable time. Can you please help me?
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+1 # kksou 2013-06-11 13:22
Hi Wendy,

I am more than willing to help, but please you need to provide more clues and info.

Please let me know what you have tried? What are the tags that you have used? Also the url of the web page so that I can do a view source of the page.

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0 # Evden Eve Nakliyat 2013-11-14 17:07
Thank you so much this Joomla Module. We lowe it Team
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0 # Bayrakç? 2013-11-14 17:55
thanks for works. we using it but will you upgrade fot Joomla 2.5x? team
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