You want to have a status bar at the bottom of your GtkWindow as shown below:
- Create a GtkStatusbar.
- Create a GtkVBox if necessary, and stuff the status bar as the last widget in the vbox (so that it's at the bottom).
- If you need the status bar to have a different background color or respond to events, stuff the status bar inside an GtkEventBox and then pack the eventbox into the vbox.
- To display a message, we need to first get a message id with GtkStatusbar::get_context_id(), then display the message with GtkStatusbar::push().
Sample Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | <?php $window = new GtkWindow(); $window->set_size_request(400, 200); $window->connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk','main_quit')); $window->add($vbox = new GtkVBox()); // display title $title = new GtkLabel("Window with status area"); $title->modify_font(new PangoFontDescription("Times New Roman Italic 10")); $title->modify_fg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, GdkColor::parse("#0000ff")); $title->set_size_request(-1, 40); $vbox->pack_start($title, 0, 0); $vbox->pack_start(new GtkLabel('your body contents')); // setup status area $status = new GtkStatusbar(); // note 1 $eventbox = new GtkEventBox(); $eventbox->add($status); $vbox->pack_start($eventbox, 0, 0); // note 2 $eventbox->modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, GdkColor::parse('#ffff00')); // note 3 // display a message $context_id = $status->get_context_id('msg1'); // note 4 $status->push($context_id, 'this is msg 1'); // note 4 $window->show_all(); Gtk::main(); ?> |
As shown above.
- Create a statu bar, stuff it inside an eventbox, and pack the eventbox into the vbox.
- Don't forget to set expand and fill to
when packing so that the status bar stays at the bottom. - Here we set the background color of the status bar to yellow.
- Display a sample message.