In How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 5 - left to right with hints of insert location? we have done drag-and-drop with "visual clue" of insert-location for one way - left to right.
Let's now do it for both ways - left to right and right to left - as shown below:
If you understood the article How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 5 - left to right with hints of insert location?, you should have no problem doing this one.
Looks simple, isn't it? But took me an hour to get it right!
The "challenging" part is to make sure that when you drag from right to left, only the rows on the left gets highlighted. When you drag and stay on the right treeview, the rows on the right should not get highlighted.
Want to try this out as an exercise? The answers are given below...
Important Note: This only works for PHP-GTK2 compliled with gtk+ v2.10 and above. If you are using an older version, for linux, you may follow the step-by-step instructions to recompile php-gtk2 with gtk+ v2.10. For windows, please refer to How to install php gtk2 on windows? You may also want to take a look here to see some of the new exciting PHP-GTK2 Functionalities.
Sample Code
Important Note: This only works for PHP-GTK2 compliled with gtk+ v2.10 and above. If you are using an older version, for linux, you may follow the step-by-step instructions to recompile php-gtk2 with gtk+ v2.10. For windows, please refer to How to install php gtk2 on windows? You may also want to take a look here to see some of the new exciting PHP-GTK2 Functionalities.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 152 153 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 192 194 195 196 198 199 201 202 203 204 205 206 208 209 210 211 216 218 219 220 221 222 226 227 230 231 234 235 236 237 238 240 241 242 244 246 247 250 251 255 256 260 261 262 266 267 268 269 274 275 276 277 278 279 | <?php $window = new GtkWindow(); $window->set_title($argv[0]); $window->set_size_request(600, 240); $window->connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk','main_quit')); $window->add($vbox = new GtkVBox()); // display title $title = new GtkLabel(" Drag and Drop between 2 TreeViews\n". "Part 6 - (both directions) with hints of insert location"); $title->modify_font(new PangoFontDescription("Times New Roman Italic 10")); $title->modify_fg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, GdkColor::parse("#0000ff")); $title->set_size_request(-1, 40); $vbox->pack_start($title, 0, 0); $vbox->pack_start(new GtkLabel(''), 0, 0); $vbox->pack_start($hbox = new GtkHBox()); // Set up treeview 1 $data1 = array( array('row0', 'item 42', 2, 3.1), array('row1', 'item 36', 20, 6.21), array('row2', 'item 21', 8, 9.36), array('row3', 'item 10', 11, 12.4), array('row4', 'item 7', 5, 15.5), array('row5', 'item 4', 17, 18.6), array('row6', 'item 3', 20, 21.73)); $view1 = display_table ($hbox, $data1, 1); // setup drag for left side $view1->drag_source_set(Gdk::BUTTON1_MASK, array( array( 'text/plain', 0, 0)), Gdk::ACTION_COPY|Gdk::ACTION_MOVE); $view1->connect('drag-data-get', 'on_drag'); // setup drop for left side $view1->drag_dest_set(Gtk::DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, array( array( 'text/plain', 0, 0)), Gdk::ACTION_COPY|Gdk::ACTION_MOVE); $hbox->pack_start(new GtkLabel(' '), 0, 0); // Set up treeview 2 $data2 = array( array('row7', 'item 127', 105, 115.5), array('row8', 'item 124', 117, 118.6), array('row9', 'item 123', 120, 121.73)); $view2 = display_table ($hbox, $data2, 2); // setup drop for right side $view2->drag_dest_set(Gtk::DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, array( array( 'text/plain', 0, 0)), Gdk::ACTION_COPY|Gdk::ACTION_MOVE); $view2->connect('drag-data-received', 'on_drop', $view1); // setup drag for right side $view2->drag_source_set(Gdk::BUTTON1_MASK, array( array( 'text/plain', 0, 0)), Gdk::ACTION_COPY|Gdk::ACTION_MOVE); $view2->connect('drag-data-get', 'on_drag'); // this is delayed till here because we need the ID of $view2 $view1->connect('drag-data-received', 'on_drop', $view2); $view2->drag_dest_set_track_motion(true); $view2->connect('drag-motion', 'on_drag_motion', 2, $view2); $view1->drag_dest_set_track_motion(true); $view1->connect('drag-motion', 'on_drag_motion', 1, $view1); $window->show_all(); Gtk::main(); // display a 2D table in treeview function display_table($container, $data, $treeview_num) { // Set up a scroll window $scrolled_win = new GtkScrolledWindow(); $scrolled_win->set_policy( Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); $container->pack_start($scrolled_win); // Creates the list store if (defined("GObject::TYPE_STRING")) { $model = new GtkListStore(GObject::TYPE_STRING, GObject::TYPE_STRING, GObject::TYPE_LONG, GObject::TYPE_DOUBLE); } else { $model = new GtkListStore(Gtk::TYPE_STRING, Gtk::TYPE_STRING, Gtk::TYPE_LONG, Gtk::TYPE_DOUBLE); } $field_header = array('Row #', 'Description', 'Qty', 'Price'); $field_justification = array(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0); // Creates the view to display the list store $view = new GtkTreeView($model); $scrolled_win->add($view); // Creates the columns for ($col=0; $col<count($field_header); ++$col) { $cell_renderer = new GtkCellRendererText(); $cell_renderer->set_property("xalign", $field_justification[$col]); $column = new GtkTreeViewColumn($field_header[$col], $cell_renderer, 'text', $col); $column->set_alignment($field_justification[$col]); $column->set_sort_column_id($col); // set the header font and color $label = new GtkLabel($field_header[$col]); $label->modify_font(new PangoFontDescription("Arial Bold")); $label->modify_fg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, GdkColor::parse("#0000FF")); $column->set_widget($label); $label->show(); // setup self-defined function to display alternate row color $column->set_cell_data_func($cell_renderer, "format_col", $col, $treeview_num); $view->append_column($column); } // pupulates the data for ($row=0; $row<count($data); ++$row) { $values = array(); for ($col=0; $col<count($data[$row]); ++$col) { $values[] = $data[$row][$col]; } $model->append($values); } // setup selection $selection = $view->get_selection(); $selection->connect('changed', 'on_selection', $treeview_num); global $drag_source_treeview, $drag_onto_path; $drag_source_treeview = -1; $drag_onto_path = -1; return $view; } // format treeview columns function format_col($column, $cell, $model, $iter, $col_num, $treeview_num) { $path = $model->get_path($iter); // get the current path $row_num = $path[0]; // get the row number if ($col_num==3) { $amt = $model->get_value($iter, 3); $cell->set_property('text', '$'.number_format($amt,2)); } $row_color = ($row_num%2==1) ? '#dddddd' : '#ffffff'; // sets the row color for odd and even rows global $drag_source_treeview, $drag_onto_path; if ($treeview_num!=$drag_source_treeview && $drag_onto_path>=0) { if ($row_num == $drag_onto_path) $row_color = '#BAFFBF'; } $cell->set_property('cell-background', $row_color); // sets the background color } // the function that is called when user selects a row function on_selection($selection, $treeview_num) { global $drag_source_treeview; $drag_source_treeview = $treeview_num; list($model, $iter) = $selection->get_selected(); if ($iter==null) return; $desc = $model->get_value($iter, 1); $qty = $model->get_value($iter, 2); $price = $model->get_value($iter, 3); print "You have selected $desc: $qty ($price)\n"; } function on_drag($widget, $context, $data, $info, $time) { $selection = $widget->get_selection(); list($model, $iter) = $selection->get_selected(); if ($iter==null) return; $id = $model->get_value($iter, 0); $desc = $model->get_value($iter, 1); $qty = $model->get_value($iter, 2); $price = $model->get_value($iter, 3); $data->set_text(serialize(array($id, $desc, $qty, $price))); } function on_drop($widget, $context, $x, $y, $data, $info, $time, $src_view) { global $drag_source_treeview, $drag_onto_path; $drag_source_treeview = -1; $drag_onto_path = -1; // remove from src first $src_selection = $src_view->get_selection(); list($src_model, $src_iter) = $src_selection->get_selected(); if ($src_iter==null) { return; } $src_model->remove($src_iter); $data2 = unserialize($data->data); $model = $widget->get_model(); $drop_info = $widget->get_dest_row_at_pos($x, $y); if ($drop_info) { list($path, $position) = $drop_info; if ($position == Gtk::TREE_VIEW_DROP_BEFORE || $position == Gtk::TREE_VIEW_DROP_INTO_OR_BEFORE) { $model->insert($path[0], $data2) ; } else { $model->insert($path[0]+1, $data2) ; } } else { $model->append($data2); } } function on_drag_motion($widget, $context, $x, $y, $timestamp, $treeview_num, $view) { $drop_info = $widget->get_dest_row_at_pos($x, $y); global $drag_onto_path; if ($drop_info) { list($path, $position) = $drop_info; if ($position == Gtk::TREE_VIEW_DROP_BEFORE || $position == Gtk::TREE_VIEW_DROP_INTO_OR_BEFORE) { $drag_onto_path = $path[0]; $view->set_drag_dest_row($path, Gtk::TREE_VIEW_DROP_BEFORE); } else { $drag_onto_path = $path[0]+1; $view->set_drag_dest_row($path, Gtk::TREE_VIEW_DROP_AFTER); } } else { $drag_onto_path = -1; } } ?> |
As shown above.
We make use of the code from How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 5 - left to right with hints of insert location?
The technique used are exactly the same as in How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 5 - left to right with hints of insert location? Please refer to the article for explanations.
Related Links
Related Links
- How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 1 - left to right?
- How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 2 - in both directions?
- How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 3 - left to right with insert?
- How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 4 - in both directions with insert?
- How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 5 - left to right with hints of insert location?
- How to drag and drop between 2 GtkTreeViews - Part 7 - another method of passing along complex drag info?